Wednesday, December 6, 2006


by Samuel Kamara and Alie M'bayo, Nasir Students

Money! Oh Money! The one which changes one's
Condition in a twinkle of an eye;
The one in which man's destiny lies.
The one that makes things work easier and rapidly

But why on earth do people grow hatred among themselves?
Why on earth do people become pompous of themselves?
Why on earth do human beings kill each other because of you?
Why because of you the rich have less regard and concern for the poor?
Why on earth do human beings become slaves to you?
Why on earth are people seeking you from dawn till dusk?
Why are you so proud that you can't visit us?

Money! Oh Money! Why, because of you there is no
Peace in the world today?
Why on earth do people become hunters of themselves
Just like animals?
The world is shaking all over with crimes and disaster just
because of you.
But still you are our friend
Money! Oh money, the root of all evil